Mystic Fog Garden Releases Shapeshifting Dancing Me

Song Title: Shapeshifting Dancing Me
Artist: Mystic Fog Garden feat. Jenna Evans
Released: March 2023
Lyrics Quote: “Come Dance with Me”
Genre: House
Wedding Moment to Play: You can play for a house music-themed cocktail hour or for dancing.
What you should know:
Mystic Fog Garden has been making music since 1986. On the track “Shapeshifting Dancing Me” they joined with Producer of 1980s Eurodance and the Godfather of Italian Classic House Dance Music – Franz Scandolari, Songwriter for MFG – John Ketelhut, and Singer Jenna Evans. The song “Shapeshifting Dancing Me” sounds like an upcoming Stevie Nicks of Dance music.
Sample the Song: