13 Train (the band) Songs To Add You Your Wedding Playlist
Train has amassed 14 Top 10 Billboard hits. The band’s first album was released in 1998 under their own name. Their first big hit, “Meet Virginia”, topped the Billboard Top 20. They never looked back. We assembled a list of some of their most popular songs that could highlight events at your wedding.

Just like Journey sang about their favorite “city by the bay”, so did Train in their videos and music including “Save Me, San Francisco”. Both are American bands originating from San Francisco. Of note, both bands have higher-pitched vocal frontmen of Steve Perry and Pat Monahan.
Train Highest-Charting Billboard Hits
(U.S. Adult Contemporary)
- #1 Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me), 2001
- #1 Calling All Angels, 2003
- #1 Hey, Soul Sister, 2009
- #1 If It’s Love, 2010
- #1 This Christmas, 2015
- #2 Meet Virginia, 1999
- #2 Drive By, 2012
- #3 Marry Me, 2010
- #4 50 Ways to Say Goodbye, 2012
- #5 Joy to the World, 2012
- #5 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, 2015
- #6 Get to Me, 2005
- #6 Save Me, San Francisco, 2011
- #6 Play That Song, 2016
- #8 Angel in Blue Jeans, 2014
- #9 When I Look to the Sky, 2004
- #9 Cab, 2005
Love Songs List
Play That Song
Released in 2016 on the album A Girl, a Bottle, a Boat
If you have a DJ at your wedding reception, the song lyrics fit perfectly into a cocktail or background song that will have everyone singing along and tapping their toes.
Play that song
The one that makes me go all night long
The one that makes me think of you
That’s all you gotta do
Angel in Blue Jeans
Released in 2014 on the album Bulletproof Picasso
An underrated train song that just finds a way of making you happy and bopping your head. If you are having a wedding wearing jeans, this would fit the theme.
And there you are
Like a highway headed my way
Life is but a dream
I was shot down by your love
My angel in blue jeans
50 Ways To Say Goodbye
Released in 2012 on the album California 37
Gotta love the inclusion of the mariachi band! This could be a fun and funny way to end your reception on the way out the door.
I wanna live a thousand lives with you
I wanna be the one you’re dying to love
Drive By
Released in 2012 on the album California 37
If you love Train’s music, this will be a must-play during dancing and will fill the dance floor.
I swear to you, I’ll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy, looking for a two-ply Hefty bag
To hold my love
Released in 2012 on the album California 37
If you are looking for a unique song to play while the garter is being removed from the bride’s leg, check out this song.
Saving me was B-I-G
All the boy fish in the sea
They all wish that they could be me
Save Me, San Francisco
Released in 2011 on the album Save Me, San Francisco
If you live in New York, Alicia Key’s song “Empire State of Mind” is a must-play. The same goes for this song for those who live or grew up in San Francisco.
So, wrap me up return to sender
Let’s forget this 5 year bender
Take me to my city by the Bay
If It’s Love
Released in 2010 on the album Save Me, San Francisco
A great love song story that could accent the cake cutting or as a party song while guests are dancing.
If it’s love
And we decide that it’s forever
No one else could do it better
Marry Me
Released in 2009 on the album Save Me, San Francisco
You probably already guessed this song would be #1 on our list and you would be correct. “Marry Me” makes for the perfect bride or groom processional song. Actually, you could incorporate this song into any aspect of your wedding and I’m sure it would fit nicely into the playlist.
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally showed her my way
Marry me
Today and every day
Hey, Soul Sister
Released in 2009 on the album Save Me, San Francisco
This song is Train’s highest-ranked song on the Billboard Top 100 at 3rd place. In addition, it was the top-selling song on iTunes in 2010. We can even add this song to a list of songs featuring a ukelele.
The song makes for the perfect bridesmaid song!
I’m so glad you have a one-track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection we can’t deny
Calling All Angels
Released in 2003 on the album My Private Nation
Another song to remember a loved one lost too soon. You could also include the song into a ceremony song calling angels to watch over you.
When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
When you feel the world shake from the words that are said
And I’m calling all angels
When I Look To The Sky
Released in 2003 on the album My Private Nation
If you have a friend or family member who passed on, this is a great tribute song to remember lost loved ones.
And every dance on the kitchen floor we didn’t dance before
And every sunset that we’ll miss I’ll wrap them all up in a kiss
And pick you up in all of this when I sail away
Drops of Jupiter
Released in 2001 on the album Drops of Jupiter
Another song to remember loved ones lost, particularly a Mother. This song could be a great parent dance with someone stepping in to celebrate your Mother.
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were
Looking for yourself?
Meet Virginia
Released in 1998 on the album Train
A mid-tempo song that makes for a great cocktail hour that everyone will know and sing along to.
Then she thinks about her life
Pulls her hair back as she screams
I don’t really wanna be the queen
I hope you enjoyed my list of Train songs to play at your wedding. If you have a song not on our list, be sure to comment on it below.