Picking Wedding Songs Tips

picking wedding songs tips

Tips for Picking Wedding Songs

  • You can absolutely incorporate your own music tastes into your wedding day.
    • Consider the different ages and music styles of your guests.
    • Consider the desired mood of your big day.
    • If your guests are not happy at the reception with the music played, you increase the likelihood of them leaving early.

Wedding Ceremony Music Tips

  • Have a favorite song but don’t think it is “weddingy”?
    • Look for an acoustic cover
    • Look for an instrumental cover (violin, piano, cello, guitar, string quartet, etc.)
  • Most wedding ceremonies have 3 songs
    • Prelude music (as guests arrive), walking down the aisle, and exit song.
    • If your wedding party walks down the aisle, two songs are commonly played – the bride or groom has their own song.
    • Having too many songs for walking down the aisle may make the ceremony janky.
  • Exit songs set the tone for the reception. If you want a fun atmosphere for the reception, select an upbeat recessional (exit) song.

Wedding Reception Music Tips

  • Don’t forget about the songs that make you want to dance and sing your heart out with your besties (for the newlyweds).
  • As a rule: dance music should be what gets people dancing, not your playlist. However, there are plenty of party songs so you don’t need to play the same songs as every other wedding. You can also choose to play popular party songs since you don’t get to hear them every day.

First Dance Song Tips

  • Select a song that means something to you
  • Can’t find a good song?
    • Google a favorite memory between you and your sweetie followed by “song” or “lyrics”. (If you met in a coffee shop, you will find the song “Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop” by Landon Pigg.)
  • Decide if you want the dance to be romantic, fun, or both.
  • Practice weeks before the wedding to practice your dancing style


All of the above tips are included in my book “The Wedding Music Planner” (available on Amazon).

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